Friday, March 30, 2007

Flat Lucas Goes To Court

I was in Houston with my friends Cassandra, Jason, Bobby and Paul. They were there to compete in a mock trial competition. A mock trial is like a "fake trial" where two teams compete to win a case--it's kind of like watching a movie or a TV show with courtroom drama.

The Harris County 334th District Courthouse was the site of the 2007 National Trial Competition.

In between trials, the team had a lot of time to fool around. In this case, we put Flat Lucas on trial for allegedly stealing a Flat Cookie from the Flat Cookie Jar. Paul is the defense lawyer and Flat Lucas is the defendant. Free Flat Lucas!

Jason was the prosecutor and I was the judge. Flat Lucas is on the stand defending himself.

Flat Lucas watching the trial (nervously).

Flat Lucas is free! He had great representation.

Can you spot Flat Lucas... look towards the judge's chair.

Flat Lucas making a mockery of Auxiliary Court 1.

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